SPACE FOR SOUL-19靈魂空間-19

油畫 /藝術/美術 /藝術家/畫 /靜物畫/静物/街景/買畫/當代畫家/藝術收藏/植物/ /風景/月亮/月/陽光/雲/樹/木/花/ペインティング /유화 /미술 /아티스트 /アーティスト/ペインティング /페인트등/정물/ストリートビュー/스트리트 뷰絵画を購入する/그림 구매/現代画家/현대 화가/アートコレクション/아트 컬렉션/공장/풍경/달/日/햇빛/구름/나무/꽃/oilpainting /art /artist/painting/still-life/street view/buy artwork/Contemporary artist/art collection/plants/scenery/moon/sunlight/cloud/tree/flower
  • Space for soul-19靈魂空間-19
  • oil painting/油畫
  • (W65×H53×D2.0cm)
  • 2022


美金USD:925(Except Taipei area,shipping fee is not included)

油畫 /藝術/美術 /藝術家/畫 /靜物畫/静物/街景/買畫/當代畫家/藝術收藏/植物/ /風景/月亮//陽光/雲/樹//花/ペインティング  /유화  /미술 /아티스트 /アーティスト/ペインティング /페인트등/정물/ストリートビュー/스트리트 뷰絵画を購入する/그림 구매/現代画家/현대 화가/アートコレクション/아트 컬렉션/공장/풍경/달/日/햇빛/구름/나무//oilpainting /art /artist/painting/still-life/street view/buy artwork/Contemporary artist/art collection/plants/scenery/moon/sunlight/cloud/tree/flower


  “靈魂空間”這個系列的創作,便是期望在這個資訊爆炸的時代,能創造出一個安穩平靜的時空,像空椅法(Empty-chair method)中的空椅一樣,提供觀者擁有與自我或腦內他人轉換身分的空間,給予自己的靈魂短暫的涵容與休憩。

Struggling with power and violence is what we face in the modern world every day. Living under this condition,people always try their best to conquer the difficulties and strive for whom they care and love at the same time. Consequently,taking care of ourselves becomes the least important thing in our daily life.

Creating a quiet and peaceful space in this chaotic world is important for me. “Space for soul” is the series that I hope I can give not only myself but also viewers a space for the exhausted modern life. After taking care of ourselves, we will have more inner energy to fight for what we believe and prote
